sesame soup and tw egg pancake

Asian Ayurvedic Breakfast for Balance and Warmth

Taiwanese Egg Pancake and Chinese Black Sesame Soup

asian breakfast

Having recently returned from Taiwan, I've been inspired to recreate some of the traditional breakfast dishes that captured my heart, infusing them with an Ayurvedic twist for added health benefits.

The Traditional Taiwanese Egg Pancake: A Breakfast Staple

Taiwanese Egg Pancake, locally known as "Dan Bing," is a beloved breakfast in Taiwan. This savory pancake is typically made from a wheat-based batter and is often filled with eggs and other ingredients like cheese, ham, or tuna. It's known for its versatility and satisfying nature, making it a popular morning street food across Taiwan.

The Ayurvedic Twist: Spelt Flour Taiwanese Egg Pancake

In our version, we swap traditional wheat flour with spelt flour, a lighter and more digestible alternative, making it a perfect fit for those with Kapha imbalance. Spelt flour is not only easier to digest but also provides a nutty flavor, enhancing the overall taste of the pancake.


  • 1 cup spelt flour

  • 1/4 cup tapioca flour

  • 1 large egg, beaten

  • Finely chopped scallions

  • Water, as needed

  • Salt to taste

  • Cooking oil ( Ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc )


  1. Mix spelt and tapioca flours in a bowl.

  2. Gradually add water to form a smooth batter.

  3. Stir in the beaten egg and scallions.

  4. Heat oil in a pan and pour the batter, spreading it evenly.

  5. Cook until golden, then roll, slice, and serve.

Chinese Black Sesame Soup: A Nutritious Start

Black Sesame Soup is a traditional Chinese dessert known for its rich, nutty flavor and numerous health benefits. Black sesame seeds are packed with healthy fats and are revered in Chinese medicine for their "jing" nourishing properties.

The Ayurvedic Perspective

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, black sesame seeds are excellent for balancing Vata due to their oil content, making this soup an ideal choice for grounding and warmth, especially during cooler seasons.


  • 1/2 cup black sesame powder

  • 1/4 cup rice

  • 4 cups water


  1. Place sesame powder, rice, and water in a soy milk machine.

  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.

Nutritional Benefits

This breakfast combo is not just a treat for the taste buds; it also offers numerous health benefits:

  • Balanced Digestion: The grounding nature of sesame and the lightness of spelt flour aid in maintaining digestive health.

  • Nourishment for Hair and Skin: The natural oils in sesame contribute to lustrous hair and radiant skin.

  • Sustained Energy: Provides a balanced mix of fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

Combining the heartiness of a Taiwanese Egg Pancake with the soothing warmth of Black Sesame Soup creates a breakfast that is as nourishing as it is delicious. This fusion not only honors the traditional flavors of Taiwan but also incorporates the holistic health principles of Ayurveda, making each meal a step towards wellness. So, indulge in these delightful recipes and start your day with a perfect balance of taste and health.


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